Hi Sam, I read your mom's blog all the time. I was glad to find yours. You are a good writer. I really enjoyed your poem. My favorite pictures are of you and Levi. He is lucky to have you for a big brother. : ) Congratulations on your karate accomplishments!
I like to carve with my pocket knife, climb trees, dig, play with my friends, shoot my bow and arrow, ride my bike, do karate, play tennis, wrestle with little bro, do crafts with my sisters, chill and watch the Buckeyes with dad and snuggle with mom. I am very hyper and like to eat candy and drink coffee when my mom lets me.
Great job on the karate test! When are you going to post again?
Hi Sam,
I read your mom's blog all the time. I was glad to find yours. You are a good writer. I really enjoyed your poem. My favorite pictures are of you and Levi. He is lucky to have you for a big brother. : ) Congratulations on your karate accomplishments!
Becky Avella
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